Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Mother's Day and Outdoor Excursions

Mother's Day began with some tears. Everything is fine, but I had a good half-hour phone discussion with one of the PICU attending physicians. Our main topic was a possible transfer out of the PICU to South Davis Community Hospital. This caught me a little off-guard, as there has been little to no serious consideration to send her back there. The conversation simply stirred up some strong unpleasant memories of what happened the last time Norah was there. More to come on South Davis soon. Leaving the PICU is just big a topic for the moment.

The four of us had a great Mother's Day though. I spent it the only way I would ever want to - with my two wonderful kids and my amazing husband. Sure, it was at the hospital... but I didn't really care. All that mattered was that we were together. On Sunday, I did a whole lot of thinking about all of the mamas out there that have lost their children. It happens all too frequently around us in the PICU. It is a sad place, but we like to think know that Norah brings a whole lot of light to that unit. We sure are fortunate to have both Harper and Norah... and we sure are grateful that this Mother's Day was spent as a family of four, and not a family of three. My heart breaks for parents who have lost a child.

Enough of the gloom... So we have been spending time outside with Norah. It's kind of a big deal. The nurse takes her wagon full of gear - portable suction, trach bag, extra trach tubes, portable monitor for her pulse-ox, etc. The respiratory therapist wheels the extremely heavy and difficult to maneuver ventilator. I get to carry our sweet girl. We were taking her in the wagon, but not only is there little room for her, but it is too noisy and bumpy a ride for her liking. Whatever the princess wants, the princess gets.

From earlier in the week: They have the sweetest relationship right now. I love watching them play.

Enjoying the Angel Garden outside the north entrance at PCMC. It wasn't cold, but Norah didn't like the intermittent wind gusts in her face. She eventually snoozed in my arms.


We joke that some people may think this is what one of our favorite nurses, Cecily does all day. In truth, she is one of the smartest, hardest working, loving people I have ever met. She's an amazing nurse!

Nom nom nom: squash!

Harper zonked out pretty quickly after the long day at the hospital. He was such a good boy all day. The green dog is Scout (from his Auntie Kristen!), and Norah has a purple one, Violet. They're super cute and even say their names.


  1. Oh she is going outside?!?! I LOVE it!!! And the picture of Cecily made me laugh so hard!!! Did she have cute socks on? I miss you guys like crazy!!!

  2. I love the photos, especially of the two of them playing. They are going to be the best of friends, happy belated mothers day. x

  3. I'm so late, but HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!


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