Tuesday, October 22, 2013

It's Happening

'Tis the season for goobers and viruses, which means it's also hermit season.  We don't mind though, because the kids are both doing amazing. Harper is in love with school, and has already learned so much. Norah is taking huge leaps, too. 

For awhile now, she would get around the house by scooting on her bum. This was tricky while tethered to her ventilator. She had some successful trials off of the vent with a little attachment that moistens and warms the air and bleeds in a little extra oxygen. So we decided to take a big leap. On Sunday, we let her wear this attachment (referred to as an artificial nose) all day. She did amazing. She also did amazing all day Monday. And she'll do it again today. I put her back on the vent for "naps" and overnight, since she definitely still needs it while "sleeping". So this is a huge step. HUGE. 

We have also dropped her "dinner" tube feeding, as she has been loving meals by mouth at dinner. We've even been able to graduate from her eating on the floor (a familiar place), to the high chair. It's been a lot of work to get her to eat by mouth, but it's happening. It's all happening. 

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

I get by with a little help from my...

Today I did something probably long overdue. I met with a clinical social worker. The best part? She came to our house as part of the Medicaid waiver program. We already began to scratch the surface of my challenges, and I'm genuinely looking forward to meeting with her every other week. 

We talked about an array of things, and she was ecstatic to hear me rave about the relationship that Jeff and I have. Jeff and I aren't just husband and wife. We are partners. We are best friends. We laugh, giggle, flirt, cry to one another, vent to one another, comfort each other, and work together like peanut butter and jelly. Our strengths and weaknesses compliment one another so perfectly. We work so well because we came into this with a strong solid foundation. I could tell that hearing all of this was a breath of fresh air for our clinical social worker.

What else do "I get by with a little help from..."? The rest of my family and friends. Thank you all for such love, support, and understanding. As hard as it is for me to live in Utah, I sure am surrounded by amazing people, near and far.
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