Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Code Pink!

For the overly superstitious out there, you may not want to read this post. Some believe that assigning a discharge date will jinx her chances of coming home on that date. 

The only things that could delay her coming home on our target date would be a problem arranging home nursing (for weeknights), or some sort of acute illness. 

As it stands, our goal is to discharge on Tuesday, June 18.

I've long carried an empty threat of "pulling a Code Pink", which is the standard hospital code for when a patient goes missing. Many of Norah's caregivers have joined in on grandiose schemes to bust her out of the hospital. In honor of finally getting to pull our code pink, we would love for everyone to wear pink on our discharge day. (Credit for this idea goes to one of my bestest friends, Jaci!) I'll keep you all posted on the day to wear pink. 


  1. Best news ever!!! Thinking of your sweet family!

  2. You don't even know me, but I'm soooo excited for PINK day!! Best of wishes! I will definitely wear PINK that day! So excited for you and your cute family!!!!!

  3. I haven't ever commented here before, but I have followed your blog for a long time!! You have such a beautiful family, especially Norah she is just darling. I'm so happy for Norha and your family that she finally gets to go home!! I will definitely wear pink on the 18th!! I would be honored to honor NORHA!!! :)

    1. Sorry I spelled her name wrong :(

  4. I am going all pink, (great excuse to go shopping, thanks Norah!!) ;)

  5. I am so in for your Code Pink day!! ICal is set!!! The wise know that there is nothing to be superstitious about. It happens or it doesn't and its out of our hands. The miracle is that it's even POSSIBLE for her to come home!

  6. oh my awesomeness! that is NEXT week!!! pink it is!!


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