Most of you know that I adore reading. I can chew on multiple books at once, or even swallow one whole in a single day. My earliest memories of reading include winning a "Read-a-thon" in kindergarten for reading the most books. I think I got a paper certificate and a coupon for a free ice cream cone. But, I digress...
Today has been an incredible birthday. It started (at my request) with presents in bed (like breakfast in bed, but without the crumbs). Jeff brought me an box to open, crudely assembled with scotch tape. I opened it to find a stack of DVD's that we already owned. (Ok - inside joke here between Jeff and I, which I'm too lazy at the moment to go into detail about... but trust me, it was funny.) He left the room, and returned with another gift. I then opened a (very very very nice) book light, to which Jeff attempted to make me believe was the only gift he had for me. Pfft.
He again exited the room, and returned with a third gift (which by the way, these were all wrapped with Christmas wrapping paper). Beneath the wrapping lay a cardboard packing box with a rippable seam on one end. I grabbed ahold of the seam, noting the words along the dotted line, "Once upon a time..."
Within very impressive, beautiful packaging was a case for a Kindle. What's this?! A Kindle case? Jeff then acted surprised, as if a Kindle was supposed to be included in there. "I'm seriously upset. I'm going to have to call them to see why it isn't in there." I have to give him kudos for his acting ability here, though I knew him well enough to know that he was trying to mess with me.
He left the room for the last time, holding another Christmas paper wrapped box behind his back. Underneath this paper was another cardboard box that contained beautiful packaging inside. Within that, was my very own Kindle courtesy of Jeff and my brother Greg. (Again due to laziness, I'll include stock photos, but you really should follow the link to see what it's all about.)
I've been reading on it all day. It is one of those things were you can't grasp how amazing it is until you have it in your hands. Seriously, the screen looks like paper. It's ignited that same excitement of the little 5 year old girl trying to work her way through as many books as she can. But, instead of ice cream at the end of the day, I'll have birthday cake.
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